And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Who can blame her?
My heart consistently breaks for this once-competent, independent woman who now depends on the kindness of everyday strangers to do everything for her. And other than loving her and trying to be her memory and her one unchanging constant, there isn't one thing I can do to change her situation.
And to be unhappy about things I can't change is as pointless as being unhappy about the things I can.
So. I continue to pray for that peace that transcends understanding, continue to be constantly grateful for loving caretakers and friends, and sit here thankful that I still have this remarkable woman in my life teaching me lessons of faith and grace and love.
Always love.
Published in God in the Life of Our Members, Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church, May 2017
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